Learning Should Be Fun. At Least Pleasant. Never Stressful.
When a person reflects back to his childhood, he remembers how he felt. Every experience is accompanied by a feeling. What will your child's feelings be when he looks back over his learning years?
Edible Manipulatives
Have you ever counted how many m&m's are in a bag? Try it with your
children, preschoolers on up to fifth graders. They'll love it! Make an
estimate. How m...
Garden Soil
By Lilliann
- The first thing we need to do to have a healthy garden is analyse our
garden's soil.
"An understanding of your soil is perhaps the most imp...
I am a stay-at-home mother with six children. I love to garden. In my spare moments, and not-so-spare moments, I like to sew and quilt.
My success in life has been made possible by my sweet husband.
I would like to share some of my successes with you. One of my most successful areas is homeschooling. I love to be with my children and they love me. Besides doing school work together, we plant a garden every year. I enjoy teaching the girls to sew, embroidery, and cook. I enjoy helping my son to feed and water our chickens, cow, and pig. We all like to take walks. We love to read and sing together.
All of these make our homeschool unique. Each family has it's own unique way of doing things. Every person is different, and who knows a person better than his parent's? That is why homeschooling is so wonderful; a special school taylor-made to fit each child's needs.
I am always looking for ways to improve my homeschool and to help others improve too.
I really enjoy making a design with fabric. and espcially like to see it all quilted up into a quilt.
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