Every day we learn whether we want to or not. For example, I decided my husband could do the laundry as pay back for digging holes in our sandy back yard with his new track hoe. What did I learn? My husband does not know how to do laundry. Now I could go through a lot of agony to teach him, or I could just do it myself. Or(good idea) I could teach the children to do the laundry. They're the ones that played in all that sand and brought it into and all over the house.
So now I just need to figure out how to make learning how to do the laundry fun. The first step?
Act like it is fun. If I enjoy it my children will see me having so much fun they'll want to join in.
The second step- let them help. My two year old loves to put the clothes in and out of the washer, dryer, baskets, etc. My four-year-old discovered a great game in sorting clothing into lights and darks. If she finds laundry lying about the house, she'll come running to see which batch it goes in.
So much for learning fun. I'd better get started on my 8+ loads of laundry now. And maybe learn some time management and discipline techniques at the same time.
Edible Manipulatives
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